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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Assassin's Creed 2 Altair's Armor Guide

To gain the Altair's armor, the best armor in the game you must complete 6 dungeon type quests that involve freerunning. They can be tedious and annoying but with help they are easy as pie. By the way there are 6 tombs but five guides because the first tomb is part of the story.( you get 20 gamerscore for each tomb completed.)
Here are the youtube guides for each tomb:

Il Duomo's Secret

Torre Grossa's Secret

Ravaldino's Secret

San Marco's Secret

Visitazione's Secret

After you have them all go to your villa and interact with the statues.

(These videos are not mine and I do not take credit for them)

Bryn Carey

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Assassin's Creed 2 Review

Assassin's Creed 2 is a Stealth/fighting game brought to us by Ubisoft. The story follows a young man named Ezio Auditore da Firenze who lives in Florence. Assassin's creed 2 will keep you guessing and guessing as you follow Ezio in his epic mission for revenge. The back story behind AC2 is of Desmond Miles who has, using the Animus 2.0, travel into his DNA Memories to Ezio, his ancestor. Ezio starts out as a rebellious young man but is quickly forced into become a dangerous assassin. As he gets his revenge he slowly learns new tactics and Get new weapons. There are many ways to customize Ezio. You can buy armor and weapons and dye your clothes. The game took me about 15 hours to beat. If you do all the side missions and try and get all the achievements than it will take about 30 hours. The freeroam gameplay is amazing. You can climb on anything and go to 5 or six different areas. The fighting is intense but a bit rusty. The enemies don't understand the concept of team work. They will attack 1 at a time until you have killed them all. The counters look cool and the blood is not overdone. The only time you will have a problem fighting off a group of enemies is in the later game, when enemies can counter you and attack 2 or 3 at a time. There are 3 types of special guards now. Brute guards which are heavily armored, agile guards which can run fast and climb so they will catch up with you and seeker guards. These guards will see you in a hiding spot, making it harder to get away. The mission types are much more fun. There is no more eavesdropping or pick pocketing missions. This make the whole experience flow. There are a few missions where you have to follow a guard to a meeting or chase a guy and these can be tedious and boring. These are few and far between so you wont notice them that much. The visuals are amazing as you watch crowds of people go around their daily errands. The blend system is easy to use and very useable. You will often find yourself in a group of monks hiding from a suspicious guard. There is a newsystem of noriety. Everything you do will raise the bar in the corner. the more noriety you have he more the guards will be suspicious of you and the faster they will recognize you. You can do tasks such as ripping down posters and assassinating Officials to get the level of noriety down. Climbing in this game is extremely fluid. You will see yourself flying across gaps on rooftops just by hitting a few buttons. This can make for some crazy epic moments. There are new items at your disposal such as smoke bombs, poison and potions. These make the gameplay much more interesting ass there are many ways to kill people. All in all this is a great game. the reployability isn't amazing but there is so much to do.

Final Score

Amazing Storyline and good characters.

Great graphis smoth and not many glitches.

Good music and the verbal bits are good.

Extremely fun but somthimes a bit boring.

Overall Score:

By Bryn Carey

Welcome To DynamicGamer

First Post on this new site. Here you can find Guides, Tips, Reviews and Glitches. Have a good Game.

Bryn Carey